At a series of events today at the COP27 climate talks, speaker after speaker warned against the Dash for Gas in Africa. One speaker, Mohamed Adow, from PowerShiftAfrica, said: “Africa sits at a crossroads & there is a fight to decide its energy & development future playing out at #COP27. A cabal of fossil fuel companies supported by foreign nations are trying to push Africa into a fossil fuel led development future. We say to them Don’t Gas Africa.”
Day: November 15, 2022
Germany, Italy, Canada, United States warned to keep their climate promise on first anniversary of initiative to end public finance for fossil fuels
A UK Government event at COP27 in Egypt has marked the first anniversary of a groundbreaking international initiative to phase out international public finance for fossil fuels, one of the most concrete outcomes of last year’s UN climate summit in Glasgow. At today’s event, countries took stock of implementation efforts and announced Nepal as a new signatory to the pledge, making this country the 40th signatory to the statement.