With the help and engagement of our supporters, 2012 has been a great year for Oil Change International. We’ve been able to spread our messages farther and wider, we’ve produced cutting edge research and analysis on the fossil fuel industry, we’ve waged policy battles to end subsidies for fossil fuels, and we’ve supported critical on the ground activism on the Keystone XL pipeline.

Here are a few of the highlights from 2012:

  • Our hard-hitting ad, Exxon Hates Your Children, has been viewed by over 115,000 people online, got played on Fox Business as part of an interview with our Executive Director, and we’ll reach hundreds of thousands more when it airs on TV in a few weeks. This ad kickstarts the needed conversation about how Big Oil’s business as usual fundamentally threatens our children’s lives, and how we can no longer afford to give public subsidies to fossil fuels.
  • We generated a groundswell of international public pressure to take out fossil fuel subsidies, with major media buzz on subsidies at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Doha, Qatar in December and the Rio+20 Sustainable Development Conference in Brazil this summer. At Rio+20, we ensured that ending fossil subsidies was the top public ask of world leaders, and helped create a Twitterstorm that had #endfossilfuelsubsidies as the top trending topic in the U.S. and second place globally.
  • We helped expose the huge gap between the global oil industry’s planned expansion and the amount of carbon emissions that the Earth’s climate can possibly handle – utilizing information from the normally conservative estimates in the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook.

  • We supported the Tar Sands Blockade activists, who are standing their ground in protest of the Keystone XL pipeline in Texas, helping them with needed funding for their efforts and communications capacity.
  • We generated more people power to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable – reaching hundred of thousands of people online with hard-hitting, relevant info on Big Oil, Gas and Coal, like this infographic on oil company profits.

We’re looking forward to continuing our efforts and taking on new challenges with your support in 2013!