I don’t want to be accused of burying the lead, so, FYI, today I’m officially announcing that I’ve stepped down as Executive Director of Oil Change International. More about that in a moment, but first, can we talk about this organization that I founded fifteen years ago?
Author: Steve Kretzmann
Toppling the Pillars
The World Bank’s pledge to end all upstream investment in the oil and gas sector by 2019 topples a key pillar holding up the social license around the fossil fuel industry.
Acknowledging the obvious fact that our future cannot be fossil fueled begins the game that will only be truly won when our public policies, our laws, our governments, and our social norms fully incorporate this truth.
Resisting White Supremacy & Fighting for Justice
We stand with the students and community of Charlottesville as they stand up to fascism and fight white supremacy. Today and every day, we are committed to fighting for a more just and equitable world for all.
Less PowerPoint. More Power.
After that paranoid, delusional babble in the Koch-sponsored Rose Garden last week, Trump has united and energized the global climate movement like never before. The critical question is this: How do we build more political power, and how do we win?
When will Exxon will be worthless? Not if.
These are dizzying days. Our best advice is to stay woke, and pay attention. As we prepare for a day that will revolve around Trump’s Rose Garden speech to Make America Guzzle&Gush Again, it is worth taking a moment to focus on the amazing events in the background over the last few days: Kinder Morgan’s … Read More
RELEASE: Oil Change International responds to the election of Donald Trump
“Our movement has real power because it is based on people, and nothing about last night changes that.”
Today was supposed to be the official launch of the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Annual Energy Outlook (AEO). Just a few hours ago the EIA’s site stated that it would be released today, but apparently among the things that EIA can’t predict is the launch date for it’s big annual report. When it is published, now supposedly at the “end of July”, this report should contain the kind of hard data that energy regulators and investors desperately need to gain an accurate picture of energy in the United States today, and for the next 50 years. Except it won’t.
Response to Police Killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile
The appalling video footage showing the brutal executions of yet two more black men at the hands of law enforcement reminds us in the worst way of the importance of saying, reaffirming and ensuring that #BlackLivesMatter in our society.
TransCanada Sues U.S. Taxpayers, Scores Oil Industry Own Goal
Keystone XL got rejected, the oil industry is sad, and they want you to make it up to them – to the tune of over $15 billion (yes, that’s billion, with a “b”). Late Wednesday, TransCanada, the company behind the Keystone XL pipeline, kicked off two legal challenges: one is a federal lawsuit claiming that … Read More