This is the first factsheet in a forthcoming series that details why fossil gas is dangerous for our planet and our communities in Africa, and how gas acts as a barrier to the energy transition we need for a safe, secure and healthy future.
Fossil Fuels Fail Africa — The Case for a Just Transition on the Continent
A new infographic reveals how fossil-fueled development bypasses African communities, but also illustrates the continent’s potential for a just transition. As Africa holds 39 percent of global renewable energy potential, governments and banks must shift their climate finance commitments towards a renewable just transition in Africa.
Civil Society groups call on Toronto Stock Exchange to block share listing for Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd’s controversial activities in Namibia and Botswana
A coalition of civil society groups from Canada, the USA, and Namibia, has today called on the Toronto Stock Exchange Venture Exchange TSXV to deny regulatory approval to a new share listing by ReconAfrica.
Environmental NGOs Warn Oil Giants: Hands Off Okavango Delta and Kavango Basin Drilling
International environmental NGOs sent letters to the CEOs of BP, Chevron, Exxon, and Shell, warning the companies against investing in ReconAfrica’s controversial drilling activities in the Kavango Basin in Namibia and Botswana.
Civil society calls for end of controversial Congo oil and gas auctions
A coalition of civil society groups has joined growing international calls for the immediate cancellation of a massive oil and gas auction in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Response: International Energy Agency understates gas expansion risks for African communities, jobs, and climate
Today, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released a new special report on Africa. The 2022 Africa Energy Outlook suggests a potential to increase gas production on the continent to 2030 even in a “sustainable” scenario.
South Africa: Activists demand accelerating a just transition from fossil fuels after devastating flooding
After some of the most destructive flooding ever to hit South Africa last week, which resulted in over 400 killed and 40,000 displaced, climate activists are calling on the government to speed up the transition away from fossil fuels.
New study charts a stark pathway towards an equitable end of global oil and gas production
The wealthiest countries need to have phased out their production by 2034 at the latest, or by 2031 for a higher chance to stay below 1.5°C of warming. The report is also clear that immediate action is needed: their production must go down by 74% by 2030.
The Sky’s Limit Africa: The Case for a Just Energy Transition from Fossil Fuel Production in Africa
The Sky’s Limit Africa assesses fossil fuel industry plans to sink USD $230 billion into the development of new extraction projects in Africa in the next decade — and USD $1.4 trillion by 2050. It finds these projects are not compatible with a safe climate future and that they are at risk of becoming stranded assets that leave behind unfunded clean-up, shortfalls of government revenue, and overnight job losses.
Report: USD 1.4 trillion fossil fuel buildout jeopardizes Africa’s economies, climate, and communities
New analysis details why a just energy transition in Africa requires an end to new oil, gas, and coal extraction projects